Pôle MecaTech (PMT)
Pôle MecaTech is a competitiveness cluster in Mechanical Engineering based in Wallonia, Belgium, which connects more than 370 members from SMEs, large companies, research centres, university labs as well as training centres.
Our main mission is to set up collaborative innovation projects. With our network, more than 146 projects have been engineered since 2006 – this means more than 370 million euro of investment. Our focus is on innovative products, equipment and processes with high added value in the technological fields of
- Advanced Materials,
- Advanced Manufacturing,
- Mechatronics,
- Data Technologies (IoT, IA, …)
We cover many application domains with our network and our projects, such as energy, medical devices, defence and security, mobility, construction or industry.
Pôle MecaTech has been involved in several European projects on the topic of Industry 4.0 for several years, such as IoT4industry, a Horizon 2020 and cluster project of the year 2020, Robotix Academy, an INTERREG project, and the upcoming DREAM and GEMSTONE projects. DREAM and GEMSTONE are joint cluster initiatives (EUROCLUSTER) from Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) under the Single Market Programme (SMP) 2021-2027.
Pôle MecaTech is also responsible for the implementation of the regional circular economy plan Circular Wallonia on the fields of battery, metallurgy and mobility. For this project, it collaborates with EIT Raw Materials.
The network partnership with EIT Manufacturing gives our members access to a pan-European network and all the development opportunities that come with it. We are looking forward to further connections and the promotion of our ecosystem at European level.
Thibaud van Rooden, International Affairs Executive at Pôle MecaTech