Teaching Factories Competition 2022 !

A Teaching Factory is a collaboration space where practitioners bring experience from the factory to teach students, while students and faculty bring knowledge from the classroom to teach practitioners. This collaboration is supported with a web conferencing platform and is an ongoing process, with regular sessions and continuous interaction between the factory and the classroom.

The EIT Manufacturing Teaching Factories Network enables companies and learners to interact on a wide variety of challenges and disciplines.

What is this initiative about?

Teaching Factories Competition on Green Manufacturing is an initiative of advanced training dedicated to University students and VET (Vocational Education & Training) students promoted by EIT Manufacturing.

The Teaching Factory Competition runs in 2022 as a lighthouse Initiative of EIT Manufacturing’s  Education Pillar. The main objective is to promote the use of the Teaching Factories educational methodology, by giving visibility to the benefits of academia-business collaborations in a context of manufacturing innovation.

For the Initiative in 2022, “Green manufacturing” is the main topic to frame the challenges of the companies.

What are the main aims of the Teaching Factories Competition ?

This initiative aims at:

• allowing companies to learn about and experience the benefits of using advanced knowledge and methods taught in the Universities to improve their processes/products, as well as addressing manufacturing challenges through the application of the Teaching Factories paradigm and framework.

• allowing university and VET students to test their competences by applying them to real industrial problems and challenges, improving their preparation (Challenge-Based Learning).

• offering teachers and industrial mentors an opportunity to support the students in generating solutions in a collaborative environment facilitated by the Teaching Factories methodology.

This collaboration framework allows participating companies to benefit from solutions and ideas to solve their problems and challenges, making their manufacturing greener.

Who are the Challenge Owners of the 2022 Competition?

ARNEPLANT is located in La Rioja, Spain, it is a company originally born as a family workshop for shoe customization in 1999. Today, it is a multinational company with subsidiaries in Vietnam and Romania.

The challenge for the students from CAS Lavoslav Ružička Vukovar (Croatia) consists of reducing waste and embracing the circular economy concepts in the manufacturing processes of their products.

PROTOSFERA is a company from Croatia implementing modern production technologies such as additive manufacturing, industrial digitalization, and automation.​

Protosfera is challenging students from Aalto University (Finland) & University of Patras  (Greece) to develop failure detection system for additive manufacturing machines.​

GE AVIO is based in Italy, operates in design, manufacture and maintenance of civil and military aeronautics subsystems and systems.​

The challenge for the students from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (Macedonia) consists of finding the best practices for enabling greener manufacturing of aeroengine products.​

INTELLIMECH, a company based in Bergamo filling the gap between the research and the industrial sector.​

Students from École Centrale de Nantes (France) & ELTE Informatikai Kar Savaria Műszaki Intézet (Hungary) are being challenging in finding a solution for development of an on-line continuous quality inspection for electrical cables optimization.​

ISCLEANAIR, an Italian company pursuing the technological development, the IP transfer, the industrialization and commercialization of the APA technology.​

It is challenging students from University of Pisa (Italy) & University of Patras (Greece) to create Nature-Based Pure & Quiet Air for working ambiances.

The multinational proposes products that are supported by a supply chain committed to environmental responsibility, and challenges students from Aalto University (Finland) & Mondragon University (Spain) to develop an affordable smart energy monitoring system.

Do you want to know more about the organisations and universities involved?

Do you want to know further details?

Find out more on the EIT Manufacturing’s social innovation platform

AGORA Sphere

Key indicative dates:

  • 24-28 October 2022: assessment of the results by an evaluation committee composed by members of the Companies proposing the challenges, Universities and VET organizations participating. Selection of the best solving proposal for each challenge to be invited to participate in the final competition and Award ceremony. 
  • 17 November 2022: Final event and Award Ceremony with presentation of the Results in a pitching session by the selected Solver Teams to a Jury composed by selected experts in the EIT Manufacturing Summit Days 2022.

Learn more in the Info Session 2022

Contact us for any question on the following email address: [email protected]