AI for wEaviNG kpIs moNitoring and prEdiction
About the project
AI4ENGINE (AI for wEaviNG kpIs moNitoring and prEdiction, ID: 23273) aims to foster innovation in the textile manufacturing context.
Purpose of the project
Take advantage of the enormous amount of data, currently poorly exploited, to enable KPIs monitoring, process optimization and maintenance scheduling.
Societal impact
The application of innovative technologies, in this case, AI and Digital Twin, promotes the establishment of sustainable and resilient manufacturing.
Main results & insights
Data analysis supports planning and optimization by extracting information that is provided to the user via a digital twin of the shop floor plant.
Quote from the Activity Leader
AI4ENGINE represents a further step in our digitalization journey that aims to make key processes, both for production and logistics, more efficient.
Jessica Mazzola, Program Manager, Itemalab Srl
Itemalab Srl
Italy, COLZATE, Core partner
Consorzio Intellimech
Italy, BERGAMO, Associate Partner