AMIDS – Austrian Manufacturing Innovation Data Space

European data space to support innovation
The AMIDS project aims to increase innovation rates by creating a sustainable and low-threshold contact point for complex innovation projects and providing easy access to a European data space. A data space is a decentralised, domain-specific form of data and service ecosystem where participating organisations pursue common interests.
AMIDS takes advantage of the insights generated in the research projects PilotLin-X and ResearchLin-X. In them, the 3 established Austrian pilot factories TU Wien Pilot Factory Industry 4.0, smartfactory@tugraz and LIT Factory (JKU) are digitally connected to enable the demonstration of two use cases: co-design and co-production of production parts, and the sustainable product lifecycle of plastic injection moulded parts.
The three Austrian pilot factories, along with 29 industry and research partners including EIT Manufacturing East, have come together to form an “Austrian Manufacturing Innovation Data Space” (AMIDS) as part of the European Gaia-X initiative. Over the next five years, they aim to demonstrate the application and immediate benefits for Austrian companies, while also ensuring secure, sovereign, and transparent data sharing.
AMIDS offers Austrian companies an easy way to test and evaluate the Gaia-X data space for their production processes. AMIDS provides an innovation network for manufacturing companies, offering modern ICT infrastructure and comprehensive expertise in digitalisation and production.
Participating universities, non-university research institutions, industrial companies and intermediaries include:
- A1 Digital International GmbH
- Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt – AUVA
- AVL List GmbH
- Axtesys GmbH
- Blue Danube Robotics GmbH
- CONTACT Software GmbH
- Digital Factory Vorarlberg GmbH
- EIT Manufacturing East GmbH
- ENGEL Austria GmbH
- EVVA Sicherheitstechnik GmbH
- FH JOANNEUM Kapfenberg
- FH Technikum Wien
- GGW Gruber & Co GmbH
- Haidlmair GmbH
- Ing. Punzenberger Copa-Data GmbH
- Inmox GmbH
- Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
- Kraken GmbH
- Motan Holding GmbH
- Pankl Racing Systems AG
- Plattform Industrie 4.0 Österreich
- Resch GmbH
- Siemens AG Österreich
- Software GmbH Österreich
- Technische Universität Graz
- Technische Universität Wien
- T-Systems Austria GesmbH
- Westcam Datentechnik GmbH