PROMETHEUS – HEI Initiative Cohort 1

About the project

The Higher Education Institution (HEI) Initiative supports HEIs to improve their innovation capacity. The Iniaitive is a joint EIT Community activity and a key objective of the EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021−2027.

Purpose of the project

Provide HEIs with expertise, access to EIT’s innovation ecosystem, and funding, enabling them to develop unique innovation action plans. 

Societal impact

400+ actions taken across 5 initiative domains: Fostering Institutional engagement and change, strengthening partnerships (knowledge triangle integration), contributing to developing innovations and businesses, enhancing quality of innovation and entrepreneurial education and collect and share success stories and lessons.

Main results & insights

Across the initiative: Currently 65 projects, 359 HEIs, 386 non-HEIs, 43 countries (22 RIS), 500+ HEIs to be involved by 2027, 10000 students and staff trained in I&E in the first 6 month of the initiative  


At EIT Manufacturing, in 2022: 9 projects, 104 start-ups or scale-ups supported, 3547 students trained, 464 academic staff trained, 471 non-academic staff trained, 27 new or improved support structures established and 18 new partnerships established.  

Quote from the Activity Leader

The Initiative is designed to increase I&E capacity in HEIs while having better connectivity across stakeholders of the knowledge triangle and better integration of these HEIs into the I&E ecosystems.

Monika Blodgett
