NO-STRESS Manufacturing

About the project

No-Stress captures motion, voice and neurophysiological data from manufacturing workers to investigate stress and to gather their reactions and feedback.

Purpose of the project

No-Stress develops a system from complementary technologies to identify causes of stress and allow redesign of work environments in human-centred companies.

Societal impact

Through No-Stress results, society will gain safe manufacturing environments and lower stress for workers, with savings in public social safety and increased job attractiveness.

Main results & insights

No-Stress will contribute to improving workers’ well-being and industrial efficiency. The results will enable future norms that allow for design of safer working environments.

Quote from the Activity Leader

Stress causes distractions and workplace accidents in manufacturing. Our project aims at reducing workplace injuries and costs through AI and wearable technologies!

Francesca Montagna, Associate Professor, Politecnico di Torino
