EIT Manufacturing at The BIEMH-International Machine Tool Biennial

The benchmark international machine-tool and advanced manufacturing trade show in Spain

[Event in Spanish]

EIT Manufacturing is proud to participate in the BIEMH – International Machine Tool Biennal at Stand 1/G -14 by the hand of its network partner  AFM Clusterr. Both will contribute to the most ambitious edition in terms of technology, solutions, and exhibition area.

Meet the EIT Manufacturing West team, meet your suppliers, find new ones, discover the most advanced industry solutions and participate actively between exhibitors ad visitants from 13 to 17 June 2022 in Bilbao Exhibition Centre.

Interact and share experiences with more than 800 other exhibitors who will share their processes in the industry. Check the conference program and learn about the latest technologies and developments in the field of robotics and automation applied to the industry. This is our proposal:

  • Friday 17th June at 11:45 – 12:10h.Examples of implementation of automation technologies in the industry, panel moderated by Antoni Pijoan, Managing Director EIT Manufacturing West with the participation of Luis Lizarduy, Production Engineer and head of R&D of Aernnova, who will talk about Sofocles, a project supported by EIT Manufacturing for the development of a Flexible, Reconfigurable and Intelligent Collaborative Robotic System.

Save the dates, and read more about the agenda details here!