EIT Manufacturing Info Day @ Cyprus
We are delighted to invite you to the first EIT Manufacturing Info Day @ Cyprus, that will take place in A.G. Leventis Gallery, Nicosia, Cyprus on Monday April 3rd .
EIT Manufacturing Info Day @ Cyprus is co-organised by EIT Manufacturing CLC South East and CYENS Centre of Excellence targeting on introducing EIT Manufacturing CLC South East, its activities and offered opportunities to the local manufacturing innovation ecosystem.
The event will include two parts:
- Part 1 – Opening remarks and keynote speeches from local manufacturing innovation experts and EIT Manufacturing representatives
- Part 2 – Workshop for discussing and addressing the challenges and the opportunities in the local/Cyprian ecosystem
Participants will have the opportunity to meet key representatives of EIT Manufacturing community and network with key stakeholders from the Cyprian innovation ecosystem (industry, RTO’s, startups, national authorities).
To register and secure your place, please visit the registration link .
For the Agenda click the link: EIT M CLC SE Meeting Cyprus