Ein steiniger Weg für Unternehmen zur grünen Zukunft?
*German-language event*
The energy transition presents everybody with challenges – especially the manufacturing industry. From reducing CO2 emissions to integrating renewable energies into the existing energy system, there is no magic bullet as a solution.
At Innovationsdialog Energiewende (Innovation dialogue energy transition: a rocky road for companies towards a green future), companies from the manufacturing industry as well as experts, researchers and developers of innovative production processes meet to exchange ideas.
The event format features the following core elements:
- Players from industry, science and politics highlight a current topic
- Experts lead a discussion of relevant issues
- Participants gain knowledge through dialogue
The upcoming edition of the innovation dialogue will focus on the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition from the perspective of the manufacturing industry. It offers the opportunity to share experiences, discuss opportunities and concerns, learn about best practices and address urgent questions to experts.
The focus is on an open and constructive dialogue between all those involved in the energy transition: manufacturing companies, legislative institutions, players from the funding landscape, forward-looking scientists and innovation-driven start-ups with innovative solutions.
Join us for an exciting and interactive programme and let’s drive the energy transition forward together!
Innovationsdialog Energiewende is co-organised by Nucleus Jena.
Registration is open!
Confirmed speakers
Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee, Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Digitale Gesellschaft des Freistaats Thüringen
Professor Ulrich Schubert, Friedrich Schiller Universität
Bettina Voßberg, HTSB Netzwerk e.V. | Packwell GmbH & Co KG
Jörg Witthöft, ZF Group
Erik Förster, Kompetenzzentrum für Energieeffizienz durch Digitalisierung (Kedi)
Daniel Friedrich, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena / JenErgieReal
Pascal Benoit, ENIT Energy IT Systems GmbH
Christoph Frenkel, Thüringer Netzwerk für Erneuerbare Energien
Benjamin Mörzinger, nista.io
Dirk Heidel, mbm Lychen
Dirk Thieme, Volkswagen
Preliminary agenda
- 09:30 Registration
- 10:00 Welcome
- 10:20 Part I: Impulse from industry and science
- 12:00 Lunch break
- 13:00 Part II: Interactive discourse in the “World Café”
- 14:30 Part III: Energy transition – best practices
- 16:00 Coffee break
- 17:00 Wrap-up
- 17:10 Networking & end of the event