WEBINAR: Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies
WEBINAR: Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies
The EITM Doctoral School Innovation Webinars 2023 are starting from 25th May with the first webinar “Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies” delivered by one of our partner universities, Mondragon University on 25th & 26th May (online).
The webinar will be divided into 5 sub-sessions as below
• General review of new tendencies in industrial additive manufacturing of metal parts
• Circular Economy strategies for green manufacturing: Trends and challenges of remanufacturing
• Manufacturing trends
• Digital Manufacturing in high series production: Concepts and Myths
• The future of 3D printing: Software
The webinar will be delivered by 8 speakers who are highly experienced in their respective fields and they will be your supervisors throughout the webinar.
Know more here.
Entry requirements:
• You are either a PhD student, researcher, or professional in Manufacturing topics interested in deepening their knowledge of manufacturing
• The program is in English and you must understand, read and write English at a proficient level
Important: Last day to register, 24th May 2023
For more information, contact us at doctoralschool@eitmanufacturing.eu