JA Europe: EIT Manufacturing awards the Green Manufacturing Award 2024
JA Europe: These are the winners of the Green Manufacturing Award 2024 by EIT Manufacturing!
Gen-E 2024 is Europe’s largest entrepreneurship event, where thousands of young entrepreneurs, 15 years old onwards, showcase their cutting–edge business ideas and compete for the titles of best Company and best Start-Up of the year.
The jury members Dr. Gerhard Russ (Innovation Manager, EIT Manufacturing East), Elena Odysseus (Vice President, European Parents Association) and Natascha Rohe (Project lead CSR Reporting and Sustainable Innovation, respACT – Austrian Business Council for Sustainable Development) evaluated all applications based on their level of innovation (to what extend the company uses novel application of materials and resources and/or new manufacturing processes) and sustainability (to what extent the company considers the entire value chain and life cycle of their product or service, including conception, supply and/or manufacturing as well as responsible consumption and/or disposal).
These JA companies are the winners of the Green Manufacturing Award 2024 by EIT Manufacturing:
Upper-Secondary Level: EM-PAX-Bulgaria from Bulgaria – for their E-MOSS solution, an innovative chimney filter made from living organisms which aims to decrease carbon dioxide levels in the air!
University Level: Arctech Robotics from Norway – for their exceptional solution combining an x-ray sensor and a delta robot, to efficiently and safely remove batteries from the conveyor belt!
Congratulations to the winners and a big *thank you* goes to all the participating teams for their work, ideas, and passion for creating solutions for more sustainable manufacturing!
Click the link below to watch the official announcement of the winners of the Green Manufacturing Award by EIT Manufacturing.
JA Europe podcast with Rosina Preis: “Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Your Digital Skills”
In the May episode of the JA Europe podcast, JA Europe CEO Salvatore Nigro hosted Rosina Preis, the Competence and Knowledge Manager for EU Projects at EIT Manufacturing East. In the talk titled “Tips and Tricks on How to Improve Your Digital Skills”, Rosina highlights the importance of digital skills in modern manufacturing and shares practical tips and tricks on how to learn and level up yourself.
Tune in to discover how to enhance your digital skills and learn about the programs, projects, and support that EIT Manufacturing offers! The podcast episode is available on YouTube and Spotify.