Eight ways to benefit from data

The matchmaking event “Data generation and analysis in production processes” focused on the potential of innovative data management in companies.

It gave insight into data-based organisation and optimisation of processes on the shop floor, data-based automation of object handling as well as analyses of image data in quality assurance.

Audience at the event

The event took place at Innowerft’s in Walldorf, Germany.

To warm up the audience, Dr Andreas Bihlmeier, Chief Software Architect with ABB Robotics, reported about “David with Goliath: Working together to make the most of the strengths and weaknesses of established and young companies” in his introductory keynote.

Mr Bihlmaier shared unique insights from the corporate as well as the start-up world, having worked for Google and ABB and being co-founder of the robotics startup robodev. The inspiring talk underlined once more that large enterprises and newcomers benefit most and achieve fruitful collaborations when they use their differences wisely.

After the start-up pitches, Stefan Henning, Head of TRANSCONNECT® SQL Projekt AG, provided interesting insights about “IT as a Trap: How ‘spaghetti integration’ prevents innovations and how to get out of it!” in a second keynote.

He mentioned that a successful process digitization can only succeed with a well-structured holistic method and the right accompaniment. Interested listeners were invited afterwards to a workshop with Mr Henning who provided a first introduction into the toolset enriched by industrial examples to help participants find out how to start their specific digitisation projects.

The event was organized in collaboration with InnoWerft, supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry IHK Rhein-Neckar, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry IHK Darmstadt Rhein Main Neckar, food.net:z and the project InnoPartner-Kraichgau.

Silvia Grätz and Wolfgang Kniejski

Business Creation experts Silvia Grätz and Wolfgang Kniejski represented the Darmstadt-based hub of EIT Manufacturing in Walldorf.