BoostUp! South East 2023

BoostUp! South East 2023
Are you a start-up from Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Türkiye and you seek to internationalise and scale your business?
Ready to expand and conquer new horizons? 🌟 BoostUp! South East 2023 is your gateway to success! 🚀
What’s in it for you?
If you succeed to be among the shortlisted finalists from the first phase, the Business Creation team of EIT Manufacturing South East will provide you with a “growth package” service support for a total duration of up to four months.
The top 3 winning startups, selected on the 2nd phase, will receive prize awards to support their European expansion strategy. The prize fund is as follows:
- First prize: €7,500
- Second prize: €5,000
- Third prize: €2,500
Who can apply?
BoostUp! South East 2023 is open to startups from Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania and Türkiye with solutions in the realm of manufacturing technologies. In particular, submissions need to fit one of the following EIT Manufacturing focus areas as well as the following technology domains:
- Simulation & Advanced Engineering Tools
- Virtual/ Augmented Reality based solutions for industrial applications
- Logistics Technologies
- Advanced Additive Manufacturing solutions
- Predictive and Preventive Maintenance
- Industrial Robotics
- Connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT) Infrastructure
- Advanced Sensors (Industrial IoT) & Drones, Industrial Cybersecurity
- Data analytics/ Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twins
- Environmental and Social Sustainability
For more details, please refer to the Terms & Conditions.
How to apply
The following documentation must be submitted by the applicants through the submission platform no later than the call deadline 23 October 2023, 23:59 EEST:
1) The Application Form, duly filled in
2) Company Pitch Deck in Microsoft PowerPoint format; such file will be used as supporting presentation in case the startup is shortlisted for the 2nd phase: the document must be tailored to a 5 minutes presentation and the following details shall be clearly outlined:
- The applying startup must be registered in one of Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Greece, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, and Türkiye; - Startups established and operating for at least one year have to prove revenue
traction (existing reference customers); - The business development plans (incl. financial aspects) shall be disclosed;
- The application package should include a completed application form, pitch deck, logo and company registration certificate.
- The applying startup is NOT a Partner Member of EIT Manufacturing, or a Linked Third Party of a Partner Member of EIT Manufacturing.
(3) Company logo in high quality graphic format (this will be used for the call promotional campaign)
(4) Company Registration Certificate
(5) Startups that have been shortlisted for the 2nd phase of any edition of BoostUp! Competition that took place or will take place before the launch of the “BoostUp! South East 2023” call, are NOT eligible.
NOTE: Only applications submitted through the online link (please see below) before the deadline will be accepted and considered. The organisers reserve the right to extend the submission deadline; any extension of the deadline will be communicated to the public on the competition website.
For more details, please consult our Terms & Conditions.
Call opening: August 1st, 2023, 12:00 AM EEST (start of day)
Call closing: October 23rd, 2023, 23:59 EEST (end of day)
Eligibility and admissibility check: until October 25th, 2023
First phase: Evaluation of proposals: until November 13th, 2023
Announcement of second phase shortlist: November 21st, 2023
Second phase – live pitching session: November 29th, 2023
*all times are expressed in EEST time (CEST +1)