Are you curious about the Industrial Metaverse? Join us as we delve into this revolutionary concept that promises to shape the future of manufacturing and business.

Within the overarching framework of the World Manufacturing Forum 2023, EIT Manufacturing South will host “The Industrial Metaverse Revolution: shaping future Business Models and Policies in manufacturing” on 28 November, from 14:30 to 16:30 CET.

What to expect?
  • Insightful Keynotes: Renowned speakers in the Industrial Metaverse domain will share their expertise, providing a comprehensive understanding of what it is and what it is NOT.
  • Expert Panel Discussion: A panel of industry experts will discuss and demonstrate practical applications and business models, offering a real-world perspective on the Industrial Metaverse.
  • Live Q&A Session: Engage with our expert panelists and have your questions answered in real time, enhancing your understanding of this transformative technology.
  • Guided Conclusion: Gian Mario MAGGIO, Managing Director of EIT Manufacturing South, will conclude the event, providing a map of EIT Manufacturing’s community, digital platforms, and programs designed to fast-track your entry into the Industrial Metaverse practice.
About World Manufacturing Forum

The World Manufacturing Forum is a prestigious event during which industry leaders, global policymakers, eminent academics, and research innovators address and discuss the challenges and trends of global manufacturing. It includes keynote sessions, roundtables and parallel events on the main trends driving the new manufacturing scenario and their impact on the redesign of manufacturing supply chains.

The Forum was first held in 2011 and has since grown to become one of the most relevant events in the sector, providing innovative solutions and spreading industrial culture worldwide.


14:30 – Opening, welcome & Introduction

  • Gian Mario MAGGIO, Managing Director, EIT Manufacturing CLC South

14:35 – Keynote speeches

  • Elisa CALZA, Policy Officer, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
  • Carlo Alberto CARNEVALE MAFFE, Professor of Strategy, Bocconi University
  • Lucia CHIERCHIA, Managing Partner & Chief of Open Innovation Ecosystems, GELLIFY

15:30 – Panel session “Future Business Models”

  • Roberto VAVASSORI, Director of public affairs and institutional relations, Brembo
  • Federico MARGUATI, Sales Director, EUROMED Delmia
  • Ambrogio CASTIGLIONI, Head of sales organisation, Digital Industries division, Digital Enterprise, Siemens
  • Karoliina SALMINEN, Lead, Smart Manufacturing, VTT
  • Eleonora FAINA, General Director, Anitec-Assinform

16:20 – Q&A

16:30 – Closing

Watch the event recording here!


World Manufacturing Forum 2023: The Industrial Metaverse Revolution

Don’t want to miss a single update on how we intend to talk about the Industrial Metaverse?

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