Submit your challenges and solutions!
Many challenges in the manufacturing industry can be solved with a solution that is based on artificial intelligence (AI). But often, people are unfamiliar with the topic and don’t know where to start.
If this is the case, the EIT Community AI challenge may be your door into AI. This Challenge looks for corporates who want to tackle their digitalisation and sustainability transformation challenges with the help of AI solutions.
Submission date extended!
To support Ukrainian SMEs and start-ups we have extended the submission deadline until 30 September 2022 and invite all interested companies and our partners to participate – especially those from Ukraine.
UPDATE: Ukrainian companies have the opportunity to submit their challenges or solutions until 31 October 2022!
What do you have to do?
First of all, we need your challenge. Just fill in the template (download option below) and send it back to us ([email protected]) by 30 September 2022 at the latest. NEW – extended deadline for Ukrainian companies: 31 October 2022!
Challenge template
Secondly, please access the AI Maturity Tool on the EIT AI Community website. For a first basic assessment of your AI readiness, fill in the questionnaire, which is part of the tool. This will help us to understand your challenge in more detail and solve it through the following steps. It takes around ten minutes and is a mandatory requirement when you hand in a challenge.
Access AI Maturity tool!
Next steps
In October and November, we select the best challenges and start scouting for suitable solution providers. Corporates receive a pre-selection of solution providers from us. Subsequently, we organise bilateral meetings with candidates selected by you.
The AI Challenge will end with a closing event in December. We are pleased to announce that by expanding the AI Challenge, we were able to increase the award for the winning teams to 20,000 Euros. The prize money is earmarked for PoC implementation at the facility of the AI Challenge owner.
The challenge is not lost and will be taken up by our team. We will contact you in any case and actively support you in the search for solution providers. And the next competition is not far away either.
Challenge collection and evaluation until 30 September*, selection process until November, award event in December.
*New – extended deadline for Ukrainian companies: 31 October 2022!
You are specialised in AI solutions and want to work with our corporate partners on their challenges? Send us your pitch deck by 30 September* at the latest and we will contact you regarding suitable challenges.
*New – extended deadline for Ukrainian start-ups: 31 October 2022!
AI is a new topic for you?
Our EIT AI Community website offers you opportunities to find out about current developments and offers from different EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities.
Are there any questions left unanswered? Then please contact Adrian Bablok directly.
About EIT AI Community
The EIT AI Community supports technological, ethical, legal and socio-economic initiatives that boost the EU’s research and industrial capacity in AI and put AI at the service of European citizens and economy. The EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities EIT Digital, EIT Health, EIT Manufacturing, EIT ClimateKIC, EIT InnoEnergy and EIT Food are part of the EIT AI Community.