
Eurecat is a private research organization and the leading technology centre in Catalonia (Spain). It brings together the expertise of more than 750 professionals distributed in 11 sites. Eurecat research, innovation and training activities range from Industrial Technologies (materials & manufacturing processes, autonomous & collaborative robotics, functional printing & fabrics, and chemical technologies) to Digital Technologies (applied artificial intelligence, big data & data science, audiovisual technologies and IT&OT security). Eurecat has also a research area on Sustainability (water, soil, air, waste, energy, environmental impact and climate change resilience) and on Biotech (nutrition and health). There are 7 spin-offs companies currently operating that were launched by and with the support of Eurecat. Additionally, Eurecat is recognized by the European Commission as a KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) Technology Centre so it can partner with SMEs on close-to-market research and innovation activities.

Address: Av. Universitat Autònoma, 23, 08290 – Cerdanyola del Vallès (Spain)
Tel: +34 93 594 47 00