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Open Positions:

Apply by Athens, Greece

Business Development Manager – RIS specialist

Apply by Helsinki (Finland)

Business Development & Innovation Manager – EIT Manufacturing North

Apply by Milan (Italy)

Business Development and Innovation Manager – EIT Manufacturing South

Apply by Paris (France)

HR Business Partner – EIT Manufacturing

Apply by Paris (France)

Call for independent Supervisory Board members for EIT Manufacturing

Apply by San Sebastian (Spain)

Ecosystem Manager – Iberia

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Meet three of our team members

Employee testimonials

Gianluca GrifiGianluca Grifi
Business Creation Manager, Co-Location Center South

Gianluca Grifi

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Johanna StiernstedtJohanna Stiernstedt
Managing Director, Co-Location Centre North

Johanna Stiernstedt

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Javier GonzalezJavier Gonzalez
Business Creation Manager, Co-Location Centre West

Javier González

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