Open and Portable Education uNits as TEAching and LEArning Factories

About the project
We design and deploy open-source and portable teaching and learning kits to empower pupils and teachers to engage in education about manufacturing and technology.
Purpose of the project
Early-stage easy access to advanced technology with high-quality learning materials helps give pupils continued interest in pursuing careers in manufacturing.
Societal impact
We enable access to high-quality robotics education for pupils and teachers, to impact Europe’s next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.
Main results & insights
- Open Source and Portable Teaching and Learning Factories for supporting robotics education on all levels.
- Creation of an international community for open-source educational technologies.
Quote from the Activity Leader
We seek to inspire the next generation of innovation leaders in Europe by creating accessible open-source educational technology and demystifying topics generally considered ‘hard’.
Karl Kruusamäe, associate professor of robotics engineering, University of Tartu
OCG Austria Computer Society
Austria, Wien, Associate Partner