SYstemic DIgital Twins for Industrial Logistics
About the project
The SYDITIL (SYstemic DIgital Twins for Industrial Logistics) project has for main objective to mature, put on the market and develop from a business perspective a robust & innovative business decision-aid and operation-improvement technology, that shall support the optimal design and lifetime business optimization of complex industrial logistics systems.
Purpose of the project
This systemic digital twin solution will allow to drastically reduce the time and cost required for developing & regularly adapting industrial logistics systems and help their operators to make the right operational & strategic decisions along the lifecycle of such systems by taking advantage of business alerts during operations while integrating internal & external hazards. The targeted market of our solution consists both of industrial designers & operators of logistics systems which, by managing goods transportation, material & human flows and supporting vehicles, are at the heart of the supply-chain performance of modern economy.
Societal impact
In terms of environmental & sustainability impact, our systemic digital twin technology will allow its users to put – very early, rather than through a late “traditional” assessment – a special focus on sustainable development issues. This will be achieved through construction & provision of a dedicated world model that may be used by industrial designers & operators to model & integrate – in an unified framework – the economic, financial, governance, population & environmental constraints of their industrial systems and manage associated trade-offs.
Main results & insights
The main expected outcomes of the activity are respectively the achievement and the commercialization on the European market of a dedicated solution allowing the rapid go-live of systemic digital twins for industrial logistics, resulting on significant business benefits both for logistics systems designers and operators, including deciders. In this matter, typical benefits for our customers may be: 1) on a first hand, from a system design perspective, improvements when addressing calls for tender by enhancing the alignment of their business & technical proposals with their customer needs, as allowed by the exploration of a much larger set of candidates scenarios & solutions, but also by reducing time-to-market and overall design costs of their industrial logistics systems through decrease of engineering errors & redesign time; 2) on a second hand, from an operational perspective, we anticipate that being able to run a systemic digital twin on a real operated industrial logistics system may allow our customers to achieve improved real-time performance assessments, associated with a better capability to detect and to correct in-production issues, resulting on higher industrial throughput and better industrial reliability & sustainability through more accurate evaluation of human & technical risks and improvement of resource & waste management. From a broader perspective, economic & societal stakes associated with the proposed solution are huge since logistics has nowadays a key role in the whole business, fully supporting the EITM Europe 2030 vision, within a world that became a global village. Industrial logistics indeed accounts for the foundation of storing & distributing goods, contributing to better customer services & cost reductions for firms. Its optimization has thus a huge impact on the performance of the end-to-end supply chain, from procuring raw materials to properly managing industrial facilities & sending goods to end-customers on time.